CYAN studio invites artist in residence Joonas Ahtikallo from Finland

CYAN darkroom is happy to announce that we are inviting Joonas Ahtikallio from Jyväskylä, Finland.
Joonas Ahtikallio will visit Oslo and be working at our darkroom August 12th to 26th.
He works with analog photography and cameraless techniques like lumenprinting and photograms, looking at nature, climate and our relationship to the world around us.
During his stay he will be working with the landscape here and expanding on his ongoing projects.

Joonas Ahtikallio is one of the organizers behind the Nordic Analog Network of darkrooms in the Nordic countries. Working at the Luovake - Center for Creative Photography in Jyväskylä he is normally the one inviting other photographers to their residency.

We will host an open “Meet the artist” meeting at the CYAN darkroom TBA and maybe also a workshop or presentation some time during the residency period.

Nordic Analog Network is a collaboration between open darkrooms in all the Nordic countries. There are currently 10 darkrooms connected through the network and a program of artist residencies organized as an exchange program across the Nordic region.
The goal is to facilitate a sharing of contacts and experience between photographers working with analogue processes.
Read more about the Nordic Analog Network here.