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Creative Photo Practice and Portfolio Development.


There will be an introductory meeting for people interested in hearing more before signing up.
At CYAN salon, Jens Bjelkes gate 15
26.January 1 PM
Please send emails of your interest directly to the course instructor:

Seeing through Creative Photography / Creative photo practice and portfolio development.

What: This introductory course will cover several genres of the photographic language starting from the birth of photography until today's contemporary artists. An emphasis will be given in the rise of new documentary photography and visual storytelling.

How: Using a methodology which is based on synthesis and analysis, the curriculum of the course is based on examining the relation that photography has with itself, as well as with other forms of visual arts. Through visual and reading material, we will explore important movements and current notions in the visual arts. Thus, we will be able to see in detail how the visual language of photography has been formed and which are the criteria that have shaped both the artistic and critical theory of the medium.

Each course will be structured in a four hour meeting once a week where participants will present their ideas and portfolio that are interested to develop further. During the course, participants will progressively explore their own critical gaze and get motivated for experimenting with various genres of photography, while being encouraged to enrich their own personal style. Further we will focus on different ways that visual artists use to address and visually communicate different aspects of reality.

Who: The course is suitable to everyone who uses photography as a medium to develop personal projects either in a beginner or an advanced level, either enthusiast or professional but with the great desire to expand their own personal vision and theoretical knowledge in the field of photography.

When: The course starts on February 13th until April the 10th, every Wednesday from 18:00 to 21:30. An extra Saturday will be used during March. The date will be decided with the participants.

Conclusion: At the end of the course, participants will have a complete portfolio, and the capacity to edit their own stories while understanding the role of context in image interpretation. The participants will have the possibility to present their final works in the form of an exhibition at CYAN salon. The expo will take place from the 11th to 14th of April 2019.

The course will be in English and the total price is 5200 NOK including MVA.
Payment can be completed in two installments.

Instructor Lila Zotou, contact:

Lila Zotou holds a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts from Utrecht University of the Arts MAHKU, the Netherlands and a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Arts and Sciences of Arts from Ioannina University, Greece. In her studies, spanning a period of six years, she has paid close attention to critical theory of photography, while she has specialized in different techniques and methods that deal with the evolution of the medium as a contemporary art form. Her artistic research is focused on the genre of new documentary photography and visual storytelling.

She has attended several Masterclasses and Online Courses such as (Reading Images via Deleuze and Guatari, Cinema, University of Amsterdam, Rossi Braidoti, Masterclass Utrecht University, Modern and Postmorden, Weslyan University, USA, Seeing through images, MoMa, USA). She has attended a photo workshop with Hellen van Meen in 2014 and with Jan Rossel in 2016 on visual storytelling and the photo book as an object.

She has shown her work in group exhibitions in The Netherlands, Greece, Albania, China, UK, New York, Canada and Norway. She works as an independent freelance photographer and tutor.

Earlier Event: February 11
Mørkeromskurs 301 Kopieringsteknikk
Later Event: February 14
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