CYAN studio invites our fourth artist in residence from the Nordic Analog Network darkroom exchange

Nordic Analog Network is a collaboration between open darkrooms in all the Nordic countries. There are currently 10 darkrooms connected through the network and a program of artist residencies organized as an exchange program across the Nordic region.
The goal is to facilitate a sharing of contacts and experience between photographers working with analogue processes.
All together the Nordic Analog Network will be inviting 11 photographers to take part in their series of artist residencies this year.

CYAN darkroom is happy to announce that we are inviting Vanni Junge Ståhle from Stockholm, Sweden.
Vanni Junge Ståhle will visit Oslo and be working at our darkroom September 16th to October 5th.
She works with analog photography and from a documentary viewpoint. Looking at groups and local cultures she is interested in how people relate to a specific geographical location and how the the geographical boundary affects the moral boundary.
During her stay she will be looking for found material and negatives that involves both the history and the present of the place. Her starting point will be to use other people's negatives with her own new negatives to create new images that combine different time periods. Introducing analog techniques of light painting in the darkroom she will further rework and highlight narratives and connections.

We will host an open “Meet the artist” meeting at the CYAN darkroom TBA and maybe also a talk and presentation some time during the residency period.

CYAN took part in two pilot rounds of the Darkroom Exchange in 2022 inviting in artists Patrick Kuoppamäki and Paula Humberg. In 2023 Sirja Moberg of Finland and Ingrid Jacobsen from Sweden were our first two regular artist in residence from the Darkroom Exchange. In 2024 our first artist in residence was Erik Gustafsson from Sweden.

Read more about the Nordic Analog Network here.

The Nordic Analog Network is supported by The Nordic Culture Point and the Norwegian Culture Fund.